Tomorrow is day one of my install. I am so excited, I can hardly sleep... I know it is going to take a long time, lots of sitting, sore butts and all. I packed my lunch like its the first day of school. The macbook is charged, I have a few dvd's and my school books ready to go for the morning. Pics to come!!!!
Turbie Twist, Product Review
11 years ago
You have a Macbook?
I'm so excited too!! You caught me off guard by mentioning your Macbook.
LOL, yes, two actually. The older black 13 inch and the new alum unibody. And the 24 inch iMac also.. I'm a bit of a mac whore.. Actually I have a love affair for gadgets in general.
Day 1 was good, not a lot of pain at all.
My loctician is quick. We did 14 hrs today and got quite a bit done. I feel bad though because having a lupus flare so slept like the entire time. But so far, 175 sister locks with a bit less than half done. I would take pics tonight, but I'm a tired girl and my tookus hurts!!!!
Oh ya, I also have this huge bottle of natural moisturizing shampoo that doesn't smell like fruit that I would love to send you. I've only used it like twice and it has just a nice clean smell, even though it has quite a bit of botanicals in it. Since I'm sisterlocked, gonna stick with Dr. Bronners until these little ladies settled.
I can't think of the name right now, but it actually made detangling a bit easier too. So if you are interested, let me know, all my permie friends are afraid of my hippie hair care products.
You have 3 Macs?
14 hours? Wow that's like getting my hair done for 3 days in a row.
Are you stretching during your breaks? Sitting for too long can be bad for your back.
I can't wait to see the pictures!.
How is the alum macbook? I might get one in the near future. I'm still in love with my Powerbook G4 though.
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