Being as I am attempting to go as natural as possible, I decided to go back to nature for my adult acne and hyperpigmentation. I have tried chemical peels, retin a, ziana, adoxa, aha and bha treatments, everything, nothing can A) stop the break outs, or B) lighten up the hyperpigmentation.
After reading about Black Soap while searching for all natural shampoos, I kept coming across info that said it was good for acne, hyperpigmentation and was a natural, non drying exfoliant.
So, about a week ago, I start to use it. Seemed to get rid of the coat of war paint I had on my face. As I was rinsing, my face actually felt squeeky clean.
Well, about 2 days ago, my skin began to break out quite a bit. I don't know if it is from stress, or from the soap actually doing what it is touted to do and cleaning all the crap from deep in my pores...My skin that isn't broken out is softer and feels smoother. I haven't used any other products such as toners or lotions as I want to give an accurate review.
Will try it out another two weeks and give you all an update then.
Where do u buy?
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